Monday, July 6, 2009

18 Things About 18 Month Old ME!

Since I recently turned 18 months old, Mama thought you would enjoy hearing 18 new things about me these days...she got this idea from Auntie Dana. So, here it goes:

At 18 months:
1) I love bathtime, and water in general. I like to put all my toys in the bathtub (even ones that shouldn't be in there, like books). I especially like to give my cars a bath!
2) My favorite foods are green beans, bananas, yogurt, chicken, waffles, spaghetti and CHEESE (any kind and in any form).
3) I don't talk a lot--only when I want to (I refuse to perform under pressure). However, some words/phrases I do say are: hot, more, hi, cat, "I see you", "Oh geez", "Uh-oh", ball, book, and of course, Mama and Dad.
4) I am very intrigued by the telephone, but only when no one is on the line. I don't actually like to talk on it when Mama asks me to (refer to #3 about performing under pressure)
5) My favorite things in the whole world are cars--or trucks, or trains, or motorcycles or diggers or anything with wheels. I especially like to line up all my cars in a row over and over... and over again. Mama worries that I might be a little obsessive compulsive, but I just like things the way that I like them!
6) I also love to play with my Little People toys, and thanks to garage sales and Craigslist, Mama has accumulated quite a collection for me--a garage, town square, and construction site. I have also heard that Mama has some others stashed in the garage for when I get bored with the ones I've got, which I'm sure will be very soon.
7) My best friends are my next door neighbors, Mekaya and Kai. Mekaya is almost 2 1/2 and Kai is 7 months. Our Daddies even put in a gate connecting our back yards since Mekaya and I always want to play together.
8) I am super happy that Mama decided to take next year off of work to spend with me, but I really miss all my buddies at daycare.
9) I LOVE to read. Mama reads about 10 or 12 books to me a day, but my current favorites are: Where the Wild Things Are, Under the Sea, Fast Cars and All of Baby Nose to Toes (unfortunately, that one belongs to the library, so Mama says I have to give it up soon).
10) My Daddy is my hero.
11) I have 6 pets: two cats, Murphy and Gretchen, and four fish, Desi, Eddie, Frank and Gilligan. Mama named them after sitcom characters--please don't ask what happened to Archie, Bob and Cliff :( RIP
12) I am a wicked dancer. I mean I have some really smooth moves. Recently, Mama bought me a table, which I am supposed to use for my cars. Instead, I climb on top and boogie down!
13) I don't like naptime or bedtime, but Mama makes me sleep anyway--she's so mean sometimes!
14) My favorite place to be is in my sandbox. It's my "man cave", if you will.
15) I THROW EVERYTHING--balls, block, cars, food, everything--much to Mama's dismay.
16) Due to #15, I have been experiencing a new phenomenon known as "time out" and I DO NOT like it.
17) My Mama and Daddy still love me more than anything in the world!
18) I LOVE having company, so feel free to stop by anytime (hint, hint)

I love and miss you all!


MommyBrain said...

Natalie has the same problem with library books ... letting go isn't easy ... which explains why our three newest books were library check-outs first and then Amazon purchases.

MommyBrain said...

Your propensity for table dancing is directly inherited from your mama ... tables, stages, poles, cages, ... she's shaken her bootie in all those places!

Rissa and the Boys said...

I know it must be a boy thing to throw, but come on! Everything??? And often behind the couch. Matthew insists on throwing his food off his plate when he's full and then he throws the plate!

Rissa and the Boys said...

If you live in our neighborhood, you DO NOT want a gate to the neighbors yard. Maybe our next house. But that is just so cute that Emmett gets to share his back yard. Double the running space!