Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Top Twos of a Two-Year Old

As you all know, I recently hit a big milestone in my life--I turned 2. I like it so far. Feeling good, no aches or pains yet. I think it's going to be a good year for me. When I turned 18 months, I wrote a post listing eighteen things about me. I wanted to do something similar, but let's be honest, 24 is a BIG number, and it would take way too long to list that many things about myself. So, instead, I have decided to list my "Top Two" answers to several questions that I think you may be asking yourself. So, here it goes...

1) Top two favorite foods?
apples and ice cream (hopefully, one cancels the other out :)

2) Two favorite movies?
easy peasy--Ice Age 3 (Di-saurs, as I call it) and anything with Elmo

3) Two favorite animals (besides my cats, Murphy and Gretchen, of course)?
FISH!!! and dinosaurs

4) Two favorite toys?
Choo-choos and cars

5) Two favorite books?
This changes daily, but right now, they are "Bringing Down the Moon" (a gift from Auntie D) and Dinosaurs by Sandra Boynton (are you seeing a theme yet?)

6) Two favorite people?
Why, Mommy and Daddy, of course!

7) Two biggest accomplishments?
Heart surgeries #1 and #2 :)

8) Two favorite places to go?
Three-way tie: Aquarium, zoo and Costco (the last is Daddy's influence)

9) Two cutest things I say?
"Tank tou" (thank you) and I LO! (I love you!) - I actually pronounce many words very well, but Mommy thinks it's cute when I say things my own way.

10) Two comfort items
Li-Li (the Lion) and MILK (and lots of it!)

Well, that is just a glimpse into what make me Emmett. And a darn cute Emmett at that.

Hugs and kisses!
Big E


MommyBrain said...

Big E, this is the CUTEST idea for a post ... I may have to "borrow" it!

And I am so glad you're enjoying "Bringing Down the Moon" ... it's one of Auntie D's favorites, too :)

Anonymous said...

EMMETT, that is really cute but I could have answered most questions for you, that is what you would say. That trip to ILL. really broadened your vocabulary, I'm sorry Emmett I AM USING SOME BIG WORDS BUT MOMMY CAN EXPLAIN THEM TO YOU.LOVE YOU GRANDMA COOKIE