Monday, May 10, 2010

And We're Off...

I just found out that Children's Hospital was able to switch some things around, and Emmett will be having BOTH his Cardiac Cath and MRI done tomorrow. Though I'm not looking forward to it, I am thrilled that he will only have to go under anesthesia once this week--what a relief!

Sooo...we check in at 8:30 a.m., the cath starts at 10:30, with the MRI following immediately afterwards. He will then have to lie flat in the hospital bed for several hours before we can go home. It will be a long day, but at least we may have some answers by the end of it.

Thanks again for your love for Emmett (and Joe and I). I woke up this morning, read all of your wonderful posts, and had a nice, happy, little cry--believe me, it was needed!

Assuming we have an internet connection tomorrow, I will try to keep you all updated on E's progress throughout the day.

Much love,


Unknown said...

Let you all stay strong! Our prayers are with you and with Emmett!

Brittany Neuhaus-Peters said...

Good Luck, I will be thinking about all of you.

Love you.

Anonymous said...

We'll be thinking about all of you. Anxiously awaiting updates, as you can. ((HUGS))

MommyBrain said...

Love you so much!

Our day of travel will be spent thinking of you!