Monday, May 24, 2010


Well, it's 6:30 a.m. West Coast time...I've been awake for almost 45 minutes (darn time zones)...I'm sitting here on the bed listening to my favorite sound...Emmett snoring. Nothing has ever sounded so sweet. It's funny how things that would annoy you (or gross you out) about anyone else in the world are amazingly cute when done by your own child--snoring, "boogie" picking, missing the toilet, leg kicking tantrums, etc, etc, etc...

As I lay here next to Emmett and prepare for his third (and hopefully, final!) heart surgery this Wednesday, I am reminded that Emmett is a gift to Joe and I. He isn't "ours". He's on loan, so to speak, from our Father. The Father who created Emmett and his special heart...the Father who got him through two previous surgeries...the Father who loves him more than I could ever dream of (as hard as that is to imagine). And we are so unbelievably thankful that God has entrusted this amazing, beautiful little boy to us.

We have lived by the following verse with Emmett:
"Heal me, O Lord, and I shall be healed; save me, and I shall be saved; for you are my praise."
Jeremiah 17:14

Today, however, thanks to our blogger friend, Deann, we are mindful of Psalm 139...the words ring so true with our little boy.

13 For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb.
14 I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.
15 My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place. When I was woven together in the depths of the earth,
16 your eyes saw my unformed body. All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.

We will cherish these words over the next few days...always mindful that God knows Emmett's heart better than anyone, and He alone will get him through this.

We are thankful for the flooding of prayers from family, friends, and strangers...
We are thankful for the MDs, PAs, RNs, RTs, and every other person with an acronym at Lucile Packard that will be taking care of our little guy this week...
We are thankful that we will have the support of grandparents (and an aunt!) on surgery day...
We are thankful for life-long friends, like Auntie Dana over at Mommy Brain, who dedicated her blog to Emmett today. Take a look and grab a button for E!

Tomorrow, we begin the process. Today, we just have fun and enjoy every amazingly annoying and adorable little thing that Emmett does. We love you, Big E!


Carole Hiebert said...

Those verses from Psalm 139 are verses that I cling to. Our boys' hearts were formed exactly the way God wanted them to, with purpose and not by accident. I can't read them with out tearing up. Thanks for sharing and we'll be praying for your family.

MommyBrain said...

Lump in my throat. Tears in my eyes. I am so thankful for YOU, my strong, amazing friend! We love Emmett so much, and I am glad li-li is there with him!

Victoria Nelson said...

Thank you for this reminder that our children are gifts from the Lord.
We will be thinking and praying for you...