Friday, May 28, 2010

Day 2

Sorry that I haven't updated today...I have been posting on Facebook mostly. Emmett is doing great! He had a peaceful night, his vitals are good, and his pain seems to be under control. He had a chest x-ray and echo done today, and they both look good. There is a slight leak in his mitral valve, but they don't seem concerned at this point--they will just keep monitoring him. Of course, Emmett being Emmett, he has already tried to escape a few times. One second, he is completely out of it, the next moment, he is thrashing about like a wild man. Joe and I told the nurses that he goes from zero to sixty in no time, but they didn't heed our warnings. NOW they know :) They upped his sedative, putting him on a continuous drip, and he's doing better now. Though his little fights keep us busy and a little panicked, I am happy that he is so darn feisty...what a little fighter!

His surgeon came by to see him today, and he is very happy with E's progress, as are we. It's been a GOOD day!

Trying to get comfortable...

Our hero, Emmett, with his hero, Dr. Hanley


MommyBrain said...

Oh, Emmett, my sweet boy ... I love you so much! I am glad you've got your li-li with you! And soon you'll be drinking milk from a sippy cup and eating all the schnacks you want!

P.S. Love Dr. H's sport coat over his scrubs ... somehow he totally pulls off that look!

Cookie said...

So glad that all is going well. My thoughts and prayers are with all of you. Hope Grandma and Grandpa made it o.k.